Your Twin Flame wrote a Poem for you. Find the one you picked below, and then order your unique Poem that Fabian channels from your Twin Flame’s Heart just for you!
You will feel immensely connected to your Twin Flame in this way, hear them speak to you directly, and receive powerful healing.

My beloved guru,
You teach me.
My beloved student,
I teach you.
Can you read my messages to you?
My beloved friend,
Can you be there for me now?
My beloved partner,
Can I be there for you here?
I know who you are.
Can you vow your love for me?
Can we find togetherness in our heart?
Can we melt the wall?
Is my love here for you now and
Can you enjoy it?
Can you hear the angels singing of our Union?
Can you feel Union in your heart?
Our Union.
God Union.
Just Love.
I love you.
Would you like to receive more Poems and Romance from your Twin Flame? Experience Powerful healing, and a direct connection to your Twin Flame’s Heart. Let Fabian channel you your unique Twin Flame Poem for only $33. Limited Time Offer. Don’t wait now, simply order your Reading now.

Behind the daily clutter and noise
Our eternal silence in love remains
Work, Meetings, Fun.
Work, Meetings, Fun.
Or just Fun?
You are having Fun in your heart.
You are with God in your heart.
Where am I then, my beloved?
Are we separate, my partner?
Are we far away, my lover?
Are we silent, my angel?
I am loving you here.
I love you so much now.
I am within you.
I am you.
And you are me.
Just one.
Would you like to receive more Poems and Romance from your Twin Flame? Experience Powerful healing, and a direct connection to your Twin Flame’s Heart. Let Fabian channel you your unique Twin Flame Poem for only $33. Limited Time Offer. Don’t wait now, simply order your Reading now.

From our Union you live.
In our Oneness you strive.
Why then, my Darling, do you miss me?
May you see my Love for you now.
May you receive my Truth for you now.
May my knowing about us reach you now.
My Twin Flame, we are complete now.
My Partner, I can feel you now.
My Darling, we unite our Hearts here.
Only our Truth remains. We have always loved each other.
We have always been together perfectly.
We have always been the same.
We can play now.
Come play with me.
Where can you find me?
Would you like to receive more Poems and Romance from your Twin Flame? Experience Powerful healing, and a direct connection to your Twin Flame’s Heart. Let Fabian channel you your unique Twin Flame Poem for only $33. Limited Time Offer. Don’t wait now, simply order your Reading now.