Fabian is a Master Certified Ascension Coach, Divine Channel and Spiritual Teacher. His main goal and motivation is to attain perfect harmony with creation which includes perfect mastery and total joy. He is taking the fastest route possible – The Twin Flame Journey. Fabian loves to share his insights and teachings with the public and wants to see everybody living in their personal heaven on earth. It’s his purpose and pleasure to assist with the manifestation and creation of heaven on earth for everyone.

Fabian is a student of Jeff and Shaleia from TwinFlamesUniverse.com Fabian loves to learn from them and is very happy to be a student of their work as they are an embodiment of unconditional love, divine beauty, and truth.

Fabian is part of the spiritual community that is being led by Jeff and Shaleia. It is through this community and through the teachings of his teachers that the foundation for heaven on earth is being laid.

Fabian is extending the teachings of his spiritual teachers through his work in the name of love, and he invites every true seeker to become a part of the body of this work and community.

You can learn more about his work and services on this website.

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