Receive your very own personal meditation for your Twin Flame Journey. Experience the healing effects, the custom-made creation, and the unique message that speaks specifically to you and your Twin Flame.
Order once, listen as often as you like
Simply choose the meditation that is right for you and receive it within 5 business days. You can download it and use it freely (just not commercially), as many times as you like.

Meditation with Divinely Channeled Text
This meditation is unique and perfectly tailored to you. Every word that is spoken by Fabian is being divinely channeled for you. The purpose of this meditation is to connect you with the vibration of your personal Twin Flame Union and to deepen it. This meditation is very healing and supports you in clearing the next block, each time you listen to it.
You can get the divinely channeled text recorded as an audio file for only $111. Simply click here.
Meditation with Divinely Channeled Text and Accompanying Music
Receive everything included in the offer above. In addition, you will receive a divinely composed musical background to your meditation, which perfectly complements the spoken word, and contains special vibrations for you and your Twin Flame. The music and the words are here like Twin Flames to each other; a partnership symbiosis, which enormously strengthens the healing power.
So you get the divinely channeled text as audio file (including music) for only $222. Simply click here.