I watched a legendary Twin Flame Ascension School Class today and I cannot withhold this key insights from you that I got.
For the record, it’s W7 Class 52 “Healing Twin Flame Rejection (Like A Boss).
I love this class and I remember it vividly from the moment it was recorded.
In the class we are unpacking an experience on my Twin Flame Journey where I was “Star Student of the Week”. And this is what I want to share with you today. The thing that got me that.
That thing was me standing up to my Twin Flame’s nonsense and patterns.

Separation consciousness is sneaky and can hide behind innocent faces. It is important to differentiate here and to be discerning.
My (false) Twin Flame got contacted by Jeff and Shaleia which is a rare occurrence as we have a special type of relationship. Jeff and Shaleia are mentioning in the class that they will not reach out to your Twin Flame. That is not the way into Union.
My (false)Twin Flame tried to contact me as she got triggered (and by the way it later turned out that she was a false Twin Flame, I did not know it back then). However, the energy we moved through was representing my true Twin Flame.
She was trying to get me to stop loving her. Stop loving me. Stop thinking about me. Stop thinking that love between us could ever be real.
She was in a way denying her own feelings about us.
She wanted me to stop feeling the love between us so that she does not have to feel our connection.
That was not her true self speaking, but rather the pattern.
She pretty much made it look like as if I was the abuser. But I was just loving her and offering relationship to her.
This is because she identified with ego.
I knew the truth so I remained firm in it. I explained to her logically and emotionally the truth when she presented a lie to me.
Lies do not hold any power unless we allow them that.
So I stood up to the game of separation that came through my (false) Twin Flame.
And that is my key insight here for you, is to remember that true Love is real, and love never fails.