One of the biggest challenges that you want to overcome in your twin flame journey is probably the feeling of not being complete if your beloved is physically separated from you.
By the way when I talk about separation, I mean this term in a very neutral way. You are being apart from your twin flame. The term often has a very negative connotation.
You might have the feeling that you can’t feel complete on your own.
“I can’t be happy without my twin flame.”
“I am not complete without my twin flame.”
“Life sucks without my twin flame.”
You are then using the fact that you are apart from each other as a validation that there is something wrong with you (which then acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy).
And you are using the ideas and concepts that are prevelant in the community to reinforce/validate your misconceptions – “You are two halves of the same soul” “It is written in the stars” “You are only complete with your Twin Flame” – there is truth to some of these statements but it is easy to abuse them and over romanticize things.
This is all coming from the mindset:
“If I come into harmonious union with my twin flame I can finally allow myself to be happy.”
That’s a very typical phenomena and it’s quite common in our society:
“If I am a millionaire I can finally have the life of my dreams.”
“If I have my PhD I can finally relax.”
The pattern here is always: I need to suffer now to be happy in the future. However, this is one of the ego’s favorite tricks to keep you in the drama and this desirable future will never arrive with that approach.
Suffering now creates more suffering in the future.
This is not really a healthy and comfortable way to reach your goals and harmonious union will never happen if you are coming from this mindset.
So it is not about waiting for harmonious union to happen and then feeling happy. It is about feeling happy now and knowing that this must result in harmonious union in divine timing. It is about feeling happy and complete first – that’s required for your union.
Here are some tips to bring you into this state of completion and joy.
First of all please understand that you can be and that you are complete on your own. Your twin flame is only the icing on the cake.
Second of all you are never without your twin flame. You are never separated. You are always with your twin flame and your twin flame is always with you. You are connected at all times. This is just the worldly illusion that we are all overcoming. You can connect with the energy of your beloved through your heart chakra, feel the presence of your twin all around you throughout your days, communicate with your twin’s higher self and envision you two being together and having a great time.
Finally, it is NOT about their body. It is about their consciousness.
Please understand also that this need and desire for your twin flame is very likely a combination of an unhealthy projection of romantic ideas that you allowed into your mind from early on AND the very natural and healthy attraction that you feel for your divine counterpart. By paying attention to your feelings you can identify and easily differentiate unhealthy and healthy longing for your beloved. Healthy desire makes you feel good and motivates you whereas unhealthy desire makes you feel out of control, needy and week.
So to wrap it all up for now, focus on your own healing and progress. Forgive yourself and others. Have a coffee with someone you dislike. Be compassionate. Follow your passion and excitement. Share your love with the world. Trust yourself and the universe. And most of all connect with the energy of your beloved.
Enjoy your time here on earth and notice that you are complete on your own.
This brings you into union swiftly.
Much love from Germany.
Thank you for this
Thank you for this. My twin is married and I’ve never married. Your guidance has soothed me today.
These helped but umm yk it’s very hard to change the mindset