The Fastest Way into your Harmonious Twin Flame Union


Let’s talk a little bit about how to actually get into harmonious union with your twin flame. Getting into harmonious union with your twin flame is very simple in its essence, because harmonious union is inevitable when you are your true self.

That’s how you were designed. You two belong together – and by being who you really are, your twin wants to be with you and you want to be with your twin.

So by being your true self you are getting into union with your twin.

The question is, how do you become and embody your true self? And…what are the traits of your true self – who are you being your true self?

Your true self is without Ego. As you know the Ego is like a compilation of all your negative qualities and is also a requirement for your weaknesses and fears.

So your true self is free from all negativity, weaknesses and fears.

Your true self is made out of unconditional love and represents your highest potential. As your true self you are living in perfect harmony with the universe, experiencing heaven on earth and sharing your love and excitement with everyone and everything.

But what does it mean for you exactly to be your true self? You really want to answer this for yourself. I mean I can tell you that your true self is pure love, bliss, ecstasy and so forth. But what does that mean to you and what do you want it to mean (to you)? How would you like to represent and express the love that you are. The choice is up to you. In which ways do you want to share your love? (You can shape your true self and become who you wish to be since you are a creator like God.)

You are responsible to grow into your true self completely by yourself, and you are the only person who is able to make that happen. Your twin flame is not doing this for you and not fixing your problems (as you might already know by having watched my previous video)

I’ve honestly tried that for a long time on my journey, you know. I saw my twin flame living an amazing and exciting life, completely out of the matrix. Traveling and having so much fun. I was in comparison not that free at that time and more ingrained in the matrix. I secretly hoped that she would teach me how to live in such a way and then I’ve quit my job, canceled my apartment, stopped my study and visited her far away.

I was kind of expecting her to make me happy (without really knowing it) and build my heaven on earth for me. I’ve tried that several times with different approaches, but it never worked. And so I learned, not that long ago, that I am completely responsible for my own life. This is required for the twin flame love because this love is unconditional.

So don’t wait for your twin flame. Be active, live your excitement, follow your passion. Start with your purpose – create an income out of that – stand on your own feet.

Your and your twin’s life are then going to merge more and more in divine timing until you live in perfect harmony and share your purpose together.

Living like your true self, being your true self is the fastest way into union! 

Thank you!

I specialize in twin flames and self-mastery , with goes hand in hand with the manifestation of your heaven on earth. Please reach out to me if you want assistance and acceleration on your journey.

Much love from Germany!


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